The Health Department headed by the Municipal Health Officer who is mandated and guided by the Municipal 5 Year Strategic Plan that focuses on the achievement of equity through increased access to Minimum Health Care Package (MHCP), Quality care, efficiency accountability and transparency. The sector is also mandated by the NRM manifesto of the His Excellency the president of the republic of Uganda
The department comprises of Curative and preventive sub sectors which foster the implementation of the departmental activities.
The overall goal of the sector is to provide good quality services to the people of Sheema so as to make them attain good standards of health in order to live a healthy and reproductive life.
The sector objective is to reduce morbidity and mortality from the major causes of ill health and premature health and disparities therein.
Sheema Municipal Council has 10 government health units (1 HCIV, 1 HCIII, 1 new HCIII under construction, 7 HCIIs), 1PNFP (HCIII) and 1 PFP (HCIII) in respective divisions. The distribution is fair at least each division is represented, but some of them lack the basic equipment to offer adequate/satisfactory services hence require rehabilitation and equipping.
The only one HCIV serves beyond its coverage above even the district hospital target due to population from the neighbouring districts and being on a high way in a fast developing town yet it is still catered for as HCIV in budget allocation.
The Health Department stands at 52% staffing level in government health units both curative and preventive staff.
The Health services offered range from Outpatient to Inpatient, referral and preventive services. These include but not limited to:
- General Outpatient services
- Diabetic clinic
- General maternity services (Antenatal, labor and deliveries, Post natal care, Gynecological services, Family Planning)
- Theatre services
- Young Child Clinic
- General HIV care services
- Dental services
- Eye Care Services
- Integrated Nutritional Clinic
- General admissions (medical & Surgical)
- Laboratory Services
- Immunization Services
- Health Education and Promotion
- Sanitation and Hygiene promotion including solid waste management
- Food safety and hygiene promotion including meat inspection
The department faces a number of challenges;
- Inadequate supply of drugs and other medical supplies, especially at Kabwohe HCIV due to inadequate PHC Funds
- Inadequate staff accommodation facilities & incinerators
- Inadequate Staffing (both clinical and support staff) & medical equipment
- Lack of a final garbage disposal site and a cemetery
- Lack of centralized abattoir
- Un zoned business (workshops, garages, e.t.c) making the town unsightly.
- Un opened sanitary lanes hinder the management of general wastes especially in Kabwohe and Itendero town centers
- Unfenced & un surveyed/titled health facility lands
Dr. Denis Tumusiime
Ag. Municipal Health Officer